Peter Adam’s Praise, Thanks, and Prayer Letter (May – June 2024)

May-June 2024

[Sorry this is late!]

Praise and thanks

When we wander away from God, or drift away from him, or turn away from him, we take many small steps in doing so [and perhaps some big steps as well]. But however many steps we take away from God, and no matter over what length of time we have taken, it only takes one step to return: ‘Forgive me, for I have sinned against you’. God holds us and embraces us in his love, compassion, understanding and forgiveness in Christ. Praise him and thank him!


Please join me in my daily prayers for myself:

  • You have blessed and enriched me: help me to bless and enrich others freely and generously.
  • Help me to stand in your grace, live in your love, trust in your truth, grow in your wisdom, walk in your ways, and serve in your strength, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and for your glory.
  • By your glorious and powerful strength, give me patient endurance in everything, and joyful thanks to you for the Lord Jesus [based on Col 1:11-14]
  • May this day be my best day of trusting, honouring, loving, serving you.

Please join me in praying for my ministry over the next two months.

  1. Sermons and talks.


19th St Jame’s Glen Iris.

21st Ridley College Chapel.

26th St Jude’s Carlton.


2nd Canterbury Gardens Community Church

23rd St Jude’s Parkville.

30th St Jude’s Estates Church.

2. Training

Ridley College Lectures in Preaching,

Five Prayer Training Groups,

Four Preaching Training Groups.

3. Mentoring, advising, and praying for ministers.

4. Writing.

More progress on several projects!

5. Research Students

Kay Hoe, and Christine [Malaysia], and Steve [USA], all soon to finish.

6. Leadership.

I chair the New Cranmer Society, praying and working for the reformation and renewal of the Diocese of Melbourne.

Gracious Father, please hear all these prayers from the lips of Jesus Christ, your Son, whom you have made our High Priest, Intercessor, and Mediator. Come Lord Jesus. Amen.

Thank you so much for your fellowship and support in prayer.
