Christ’s command: ‘Make disciples of all nations …’ [Matthew 28:19].
Christ’s prayer: ‘Our Father in heaven, make your name holy, bring your kingdom, do your will, on earth, as in … Read the rest
words of encouragement
Items of this category will automatically appear on the thought & theology page
Christ’s command: ‘Make disciples of all nations …’ [Matthew 28:19].
Christ’s prayer: ‘Our Father in heaven, make your name holy, bring your kingdom, do your will, on earth, as in … Read the rest
An excerpt from T R Glover, The Jesus of History, SCM, 1917.
[This book was based on a series of lectures given in India, hence the references to India … Read the rest
[‘encouragement’, ‘exhortation’, for life and ministry]
January 2025
Dear friends,
The more we are aware of God’s free and powerful grace in every area of our lives and ministries, … Read the rest
A Christian call for recompense
John Saunders Lecture
Delivered on 10th August 2009
Morling College Sydney
Peter Adam
Ridley College
I am grateful for this opportunity to speak … Read the rest
Paraklesis [‘encouragement’, ‘exhortation’, for life and ministry]
November 2023
Peter Adam
Dear friends,
Are you devoted to prayer?
Some resources
Angus, David E., Decisive Years: Experiences of Christian University Students, Melbourne, David Angus, 2005.
Babbage, S. Barton, and Ian Siggins, Light Beneath The Cross: The Story of … Read the rest
180 years ago, on March 25th 1843 Bishop Broughton, the [high-church Tractarian] Bishop of Australia, based in Sydney, officially and publicly asserted that the episcopal actions of the recently appointed … Read the rest