February – March 2025
Praise and thanks
Please join me in praising and thanking our gracious God.
I praise you, our gracious God!
- for your goodness and love, which follow us all the days of our lives.
- for your great global gospel plan which is being and will be accomplished in the history of our world.
- for the atoning death of your Son, the Lord Jesus, who bore our sin and our sin’s shame, suffered the penalty of our sins and our sinfulness, and by whose suffering and death, we are freed from the penalty, the power, and the pollution of our sins.
- for your Holy Scriptures, living and powerful words through which you reveal yourself to us, and call us to know, trust, obey, and love you.
- for your people, our sisters and brothers in Christ, and our fellowship in his church. They are visible signs of your grace and kindness, and constant encouragements to persevere in faith, love, and hope.
I give thanks to you, our gracious God!
- a wonderful holiday in December at Blairgowrie, and productive ministry in January.
- some excellent and unexpected gospel opportunities in casual conversations!
- my book on Prayerfulness which will be published in June by Matthias Media.
I pray to you, our gracious God!
Please join me in my daily prayers for myself:
- ‘Help me to stand in your grace, live in your love, trust in your truth, grow in your wisdom, walk in your ways, and serve in your strength, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and for your glory.’
- ‘Help me to put to death my habitual sins by the power of Jesus’s death, and live his new live by the power of his resurrection.’
- ‘By your glorious and powerful strength, give me patient endurance in everything, and joyful thanks to you for the Lord Jesus’ [based on Col 1:11-14].
- ‘May this day be my best day of trusting, honouring, loving, and serving you.’
- ‘Please hear all these prayers from the lips of Jesus Christ, your Son, whom you have made our High Priest, Intercessor, and Mediator. Come Lord Jesus. Amen.’
Please pray with me for my ministry February and March.
Setting up Preaching Training Groups and Prayer Training Groups for ministers for 2025.
Resuming mentoring of ministers for this year.
Starting monthly services at Mercy Aged Care, Parkville.
5th speaking at a Raising Up Gospel Workers event in Footscray.
7th-9th speaking at a church weekend for St Andrew’s Kyabram on the book of Titus.
25th starting weekly lectures on Preaching at Ridley.
Praying; Prayer Training Sessions; Preaching Training Sessions; Mentoring; Ridley lectures on Preaching; and Service at Mercy Aged Care, Parkville.
9th preaching on ‘Gospel and Church’ at Cross and Crown, Glen Waverley [9:00 and 11:15].
12th speaking at an evangelistic lunch for the elderly at St James’ Pakenham.
14-16th speaking at church weekend on prayer, for Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, Ballarat.
23rd preaching at St Jude’s Parkville [10 and 5], on Acts 12:25-13:52.
26th speaking at a Raising Up Gospel Workers event in Geelong.
Working on my book on the Inspiration of Scripture.
The Diocese of Melbourne.
Praying for God’s constant and gracious reformation and renewal of the Diocese, and for the meeting of Synod members 23rd – 24th May to elect an Archbishop.
Thank you!