[‘encouragement’, ‘exhortation’, for life and ministry]
June 2023
Peter Adam
Dear friends,
‘Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour’ [I … Read the rest
words of encouragement
[‘encouragement’, ‘exhortation’, for life and ministry]
June 2023
Peter Adam
Dear friends,
‘Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour’ [I … Read the rest
I recently gave a Lecture for the Anglican Institute at Ridley College on the Reformation and Renewal of Anglicanism [September 2022],
You will find the Lecture at:
… Read the restBooks
Dear friends and fellow-workers,
Time for a medical! Let’s test your life, actions, words.
Here are the three tests; please administer them to yourself.
Dear friends,
Like many older people, I often reflect on the shape of the life I have lived. This January is significant for me. It is 40 years since I … Read the rest
In extraordinarily ordinary lives, we live to the praise of God’s glory!!!
Dear friends, we tend to look for God’s glory in extraordinary lives, great achievements, significant success in ministry, … Read the rest
Dear friends,
Here is a vision of a praying church:
… Read the restThis, then, is how you should pray:
‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,