Praise and prayer letter (April 2023)

Peter Adam’s Praise and Prayer Letter

March- April 2023

Beloved friends, please join with me in praise and prayer.


I am currently praising God for:

  • Many opportunities for public and personal ministry, for the privilege of these opportunities, and for the privilege of health and energy to do them!
  • My growing trust and praise to God for his love and compassion, and greater delight in him.
  • Good growth in my own prayer life [partly as a result of preparing to train others!]
  • The opportunity to teach Preaching at Ridley this semester.
  • A very positive response to the Prayer Training Groups I have started this year, with over 31 people enrolled.
  • New people welcomed to the Preaching Groups.
  • Ministry done in January and February.
  • St Jude’s, my home church, its people, ministers, and ministries.
  • The Church Missionary Society, with so many ordinary people living extraordinary lives and doing extraordinary ministry.


Please praise God for the following opportunities for ministry, and pray for:

  1. Sermons and talks


  • Lectures on preaching at Ridley each Tuesday.
  • Prayer Groups.
  • Preaching Groups.
  • Work with 2 Research students.
  • Preaching at St Jude’s 5th and 26th
  • Preaching at St Mark’s Forest Hill 12th.


  • Lectures on preaching at Ridley each Tuesday.
  • Prayer Groups
  • Preaching Groups
  • Preaching at Cross and Crown church 16th

2. Mentoring, advising, and praying for ministers.

3. Writing on The inspiration of the Bible.

Health and welfare. All OK at present. I am getting hearing aids: it is not that I have any hearing loss, but people keep mumbling!!!

Thank you so much for your fellowship in prayer.


PS. Do let me know if you would prefer not to continue to receive this prayer letter. We all have many responsibilities!