praise and prayer letters

This page contains Peter’s praise and prayer letters.

Peter Adam Praise, Thanks, and Prayer Letter (July – August 2024)

July-August 2024 Praise and thanks Please join me in praising and thanking our gracious God: for his steadfast love and grace, his constant care and protection, his wisdom and power, his kindness and forgiveness, his sovereign power over all things, his great gospel plan for the nations, and his…

Peter Adam’s Praise, Thanks, and Prayer Letter (March 2024)

March-April 2024 Praise When I was in Perth I was walking early one morning and found on the ground a beautiful small white five-petalled flower with a splash of vivid yellow at its heart. I nurtured it for a few days, until it began to decay. I saw it…

Peter Adam’s praise, thanks, and prayer letter (January 2024)

January – February 2024 Praise and thanks and prayer Have you noticed how Paul connects thanksgiving with intercession?   I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful…

Peter Adam’s Praise and Prayer Letter (September 2023)

September-October 2023 Praise: I am currently praising God: Praise our gracious God!!! Prayers please: Sermons and talks September October Prayer Training Groups, and Preaching Training Groups. Mentoring, advising, and praying for ministers. Writing on The inspiration of Scripture. Please pray that I would live a life worthy of the…

Peter Adam’s Praise and Prayer Letter (May 2023)

May-June 2023 Praise: I am currently praising God for: Prayers please: Sermons and talks May June Mentoring, advising, and praying for ministers. Health and welfare. All OK at present. Recent tests showed no evidence of cancer. I had my dog Bertie euthanased as he was ill. I handed him…

Peter Adam’s daily prayers for himself (July 2023)

July 2023     ‘The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. ’Deuteronomy 33:27 ‘I trust in you, LORD; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hands.’ Psalm 31:14,15 Explanation. Here are the prayers for myself I aim to pray each…