Peter Adam’s praise, thanks, and prayer letter (January 2024)

January – February 2024

Praise and thanks and prayer

Have you noticed how Paul connects thanksgiving with intercession?

  I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness 1 Tim 2:1,2]. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God [Phil 4:6].

We praise God for who he is, we thank him for his gifts [including what we have prayed for], and we pray knowing that without his gracious work in us and through us, we live and labour in vain.


Join me in praising and thanking God that he knows and understands us as our creator; in through the incarnation he knows humanity from the inside; and that the Holy Spirit lives within us, and so knows us deeply and intimately.


Join me in thanking God that he knows us in creative love, deep understanding, perpetual patience, and constant compassion.


Please join me in my daily prayers for myself:

  • Please make me wise for salvation through faith in Christ, and teach, rebuke, correct and train me in righteousness, by your Holy Scriptures.
  • Do whatever it takes to conform me to the image of your Son, for me to die to sin, and for the fruit of the Spirit to flourish in my life.
  • Make me the person you want me to be, prepare me to do the good works you want me to do, and help me to do them.
  • Today I offer my body to you as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to you.
  • Give me contentment and joy in you, your will and your ways. Satisfy me with your steadfast love, that I may rejoice in you all my days.
  • You have blessed and enriched me: help me to bless and enrich others freely and generously.
  • Help me to stand in your grace, live in your love, trust in your truth, grow in your wisdom, walk in your ways, and serve in your strength, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and for your glory.
  • May this day be my best day of trusting, honouring, loving, serving you.
  • Please hear all these prayers from the lips of Jesus Christ, your Son, whom you have made our High Priest, Intercessor, and Mediator. Come Lord Jesus. Amen.

Please join me in praying for my ministry over the next two months.

Sermons, talks, and meetings

Jan 27th St Jude’s Carlton

Dec 30th St Jude’s Parkville

Wednesdays: 3rd,10th, 17th, 24th, Wednesday night Bible Studies at Holy Trinity Doncaster on prayer in the Old Testament.

In Perth.

Catching up with friends in ministry.

Feb 11th, Preaching at St Phillip’s Cottesloe.

Feb 12th, Training session with the faculty of Trinity College

Feb 13th, Training session for Study Group Leaders at St Laurence Dalkeith on Malachi.

Feb 16th, Dalkeith Dinner, gospel focus.

Feb 18th, Preaching at St Laurence Dalkeith.

Feb 19th, Speaking at Perth EFAC on Prayer.

Back in Melbourne.

Feb 22nd, attending Raising Up Gospel Workers lunch.

Feb 24th, speaking to CMS Vic Council on Mission.

Feb 26th, Chairing the New Cranmer Society Council.[1]

Feb 27th, Begin teaching the Ridley College Introduction to Preaching class [Semester One].

Five Prayer Training Groups, and Four Preaching Training Groups. These start for the year in February and March.

Mentoring, advising, and praying for ministers.

Ministry at St Jude’s.

Writing: Finalising [I hope!] my book on The Inspiration of Scripture, by the end of January.

Research Students: Kay Hoe, and Christine [Malaysia], and Steve [USA].

Thank you so much for your fellowship in prayer.


  1. The New Cranmer Society is the theologically conservative political group in the Synod of the Diocese of Melbourne. I was elected as its President in November. We meet to pray and to strategise monthly.