preaching and ministry training

Getting useful feedback on your sermons

What a sensible idea! Ask six responsible people to give you feedback for a period of 3 months. So ask a mature believer, a church leader, a new convert, an enquirer, a young person and…

‘Companions in patient endurance’

Paraklesis  [‘encouragement’, ‘exhortation’, for life and ministry] Dear friends, companions, and fellow-workers, In Revelation 1:9, John describes himself as ‘your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in…

Still learning to preach in 2022!

In December 1967, as a first-year theological student, I preached my first sermon at St Thomas’ South Richmond, in Melbourne, then soon to be demolished, to a congregation of 4 people. What a privilege! It…

Planning a preaching program

Here are some ideas, developed from what I did as minister of St Jude’s 1982- 2002 1.      Each year: At least one OT series. I included at least one Old Testament book because there was…

A vision of a praying church

A praying church: Comes to God our Father in prayer through the atoning sacrifice of Christ our mediator and high priest, prompted and taught by the Holy Spirit and his Bible, and lives as it…

Why you should belong to a church

Because you need the regular support and encouragement of Christian fellowship. The Christian life is not designed to be lived in isolation, and those who try it that way are likely to crash!  (see Hebrews…

Paraklesis. From, through and for him

Paraklesis  [‘encouragement’, ‘exhortation’, for life and ministry] Dear friends and fellow-workers, Near the end of Romans, Paul invites us to join him in wondering at God’s wisdom and knowledge. Oh, the depth of the riches of…